My daughter and I fell in love with iced chai at a little coffee shop in Jackson Hole. I cannot remember the name, but it was just opening, right off the town square, and the guys there were really nice and very happy to give advice on places to heat, etc. Their recommendation of Snake River Brewing Co. for dinner was spot on. If anyone knows the name, let me know and I’ll publish a link!
I tried a few different recipes but finally found one for a mix that tastes spot on. Believe it or not, it tastes a lot like true chai, but is made with instant tea. The ingredients are easily found, but not necessarily cheap. The taste is great and the recipe makes a TON of chai.
The recipe is really easy. The original version i modified included the instructions to blend the dry mix in a blender to make it extra fine. I don’t find this necessary, the mix is just fine the way it is. Here’s my recipe, let me know what you think!

Spiced Chai Tea Mix Recipe
- 1 cup powdered milk
- 1 cup powdered coffee creamer
- 1 cup French Vanilla powdered coffee creamer
- 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 1 3/4 cups unsweetened instant tea
- 2 tsp. cinnamon
- 2 tsp. ginger
- 1 tsp. cloves
- 1 tsp. nutmeg or about 20 grates of whole nutmeg
Combine all ingredients in a bowl or canister. Mix very well and store in a cool dry place.
Put 3 Tbsp of mix into a cup of boiling water.
If you'd like iced Chai, I recommend mixing in hot water, then shaking it over ice. The mix doesn't dissolve nicely in cold water.
Thank you so much for your post. I’m so anxious to try this. I have all the ingredient except the instant tea. I’m not sure where to find it. I’m sure I’ll figure it out by looking on line.
Today I had surfer, so I’ll have to dream about it until I can get to the store.
Thank you again for taking the time to post this.