I’m pretty sure it’s not been a secret – I struggle with food. As in, eating too much of the wrong KIND of food. I’m trying to meet a weight goal by the time I turn 40 the end of June – and my stick-to-it-iveness has been good/meh/bad depending upon the day.
One thing I’ve been trying to do is eat breakfast. Breakfast is not my favorite meal – unless it includes friend potatoes…..Mmmmm…potatoes…………. whoa – forgot where I was for a sec there….anyway – back to breakfast.
Eggs/scrambled eggs have been a go to. I usually scramble up a few eggs for the kids for breakfast – I firmly believe protein is brain food – and I try to send my kids out the door to school with just a little in them each day.
Since the pan & stuff is out – I generally make myself some breakfast around 9/10am – if I eat too early – i eat ALL DAY – so 9-10 is a good time. This recipe was born from my rummaging around in the pantry/fridge to find something that was a bit different than my usual salsa eggs – and it worked out great! I get my deli ham sliced to a “2” so, 2 oz is 1.5 slices….if you’re keeping track!
This gem is only 234 calories and is very filling!

Carrie’s Low Cal Scramble
- 1 Whole Egg
- 1 Egg White
- 2 oz Private Selection Smoked Deli Ham honey ham has more sugar which = more calories
- 1/8 C Cooked mushrooms canned or fresh, you choose
- 2 Tbsp Mozzarella Cheese
Scramble your egg and egg white in a bowl and set aside
Slice your mushrooms (or drain) and cut your deli ham into bite size bits
Spray your non-stick skillet with a bit of Pam and saute mushrooms and ham until they're golden brown and yummy, remove from pan to a plate and wipe the pan out
Spritz a bit more pam in your pan, turn it to low, and pour in the eggs. Move about with a spatula until they're about 3/4 set - then pour the mushrooms and ham back in
Scramble together on low heat until the eggs are ALMOST cooked.
Turn off heat and sprinkle cheese on top, let sit for about 30 seconds and remove to a plate.