I have been terrible about posting my meal plans – but they’re so handy to look back on and if I inspire one person to start meal planning and budgeting then it’s totally worth the effort. It also helps me remember what we had from week to week, and I can absolutely go back and mark out new things we tried that we either liked, felt “meh” about, or hated. It’s good to have a reference point.
So this week is pretty standard – nothing too crazy – trying 2 new recipes – a Oricchette Pasta with Sausage, Kale & White Beans dish from my Cook’s Country (America’s Test Kitchen) One Pan Wonders Cookbook
and a Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry recipe from Dinner At The Zoo. Since we’re almost to the end of the week, and I’ve been horrid about getting this posted, I can report that both recipes were REALLY good, but I’d recommend low-sodium soy sauce AND chicken broth for the stir fry – mine ended up a tad salty. Not inedible, and it was fine for my, but hubby said “Salty” and cleaned his plate….. so take that as you will.
Sunday, Jan 31, 2017 – Oven Roasted Pork Chops & Hassleback POtatoes with Onions & Mushrooms. I made this one up, but I have to say I LOVE hasslebacking potatoes because they cook faster and you can spoon tasty stuff down between the slices. Yum.
Monday, Feb 1, 2017 – Simple breakfast night – just some French Toast (which i DO NOT EAT) and Bacon. My hate-affair with french toast didnt start until adulthood, but eggy soggy bread with scrambled eggs smashed into it…no thanks. Hubby & the boy love it though.
Tuesday, Feb 2, 2017 – Oricchette Pasta with Sausage, Kale & Cannellini Beans. This was from the Cook’s Country cookbook and was excellent. Hubby REALLY liked it, even though he picked out the kale a bit. He ate some, picked some out. I pick my battles.
Wednesday, Feb 3, 2017 – Manwich, French Fries & Salad. Yes, we eat Manwich. Its fast, easy, tasty… Boy & Hubby both like it and it’s one of the “convenience” foods I do keep in the pantry for “those nights.” You know all about “those nights,” right?
Thursday, Feb 4, 2017 – Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry. I really liked this recipe and thought the mushrooms in it were EXCELLENT. Boy and Hubby both hate mushrooms so there was whinging. I ignore it because mushrooms are easy to pick out and I made them french toast this week. They can suck it up for 1 night.
Friday Feb 5, 2017 – That’s tonight, because i’m really late with this blog post. Tonight I’m making a Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe I haven’t tried before. Boy and Hubby both like Chili’s version – but all of the copycat recipes I’ve found call for VELVEETA. Sorry, not a convenience food I approve of…so found a different version at Like Mother Like Daughter. Hopefully it goes over well.
Saturday Feb 6, 2017 – We’re going simple with leftover soup and grilled cheese to extend it a bit in case we don’t have too much leftover.
So this is our menu for the week? What are you having/did you have? Share your trials and tribulations and let me know if you’ve got any ideas for things that would fit in with our “groove.”
Happy Planning,