It’s Halloween Week! BOO!
It’s also the first week Maddie doesn’t have soccer practice so I can actually plan a bit better menu because we’re not in town every night until 7:30 or later! It’s also halloween week. I’m thinking there will be no trick or treating this year, for the first time in 16 years…..but that’s okay – I had my turn I guess 🙂
These guys aren’t babies anymore 😉

We will still keep up our traditional Halloween night dinner, chicken chip casserole. There are no negotiations on this, it’s a law in the house, one I’m happy to keep. It’s a super easy recipe and the kids eat so much they almost explode. It’s also hearty and warming so full tummies are out trick or treating and the kids don’t sneak candy while you’re out there.
Monday – Ham and Scalloped Potatoes. I dont have a recipe, I’ll put one together as I make this and post it tomorrow or the next day
Tuesday – Goulash Skillet Dinner
Wednesday – Chicken Chip Casserole (i’ll post recipe and link later today)
Thursday – Stir Fry Veggies with Kielbasa & Rice
Friday – Pampered Chef Loaded Baked Potato Chowder (why reinvent the wheel? This recipe is great and you do the whole thing in the microwave….#win)
Saturday – Grilled Garlic, Lemon & Yogurt Chicken on Naan Bread with Not-So-Spanish Rice
Sunday – Red Chili, this is my dad’s recipe and needs to be posted also. I need to make it and be sure I dont miss an ingredient!
My mom and Harry will be here Saturday and Sunday, leaving Monday, so we’ll have some yummy food and play lots of cards. I’m really excited to see her, it’s been too long!