I grew up with a single parent. My mom and dad didnt meet and get married until I was in middle school. I guess that makes him my “step dad” but honestly, he’s daddy – that’s all that matters.
Being a single parent in Northern Minnesota in the 80’s was NOT a simple task. Every single job was a minimum wage nightmare at a few dollars an hour. I can remember mom working 3 jobs just to make bills – was it tough? Yes. Do I still value every second of it? Absolutely. I learned how to manage a food budget and make a dinner at a very early age. Mom didnt hide the fact that we were poor, but she didn’t use it as an excuse either. We ate well, I never went hungry, and I always had clean and well mended clothes.
While I don’t need to cut corners, I still do. Sometimes, I still go back to some of the old standards because I remember the taste and it’s like a hug from my mom. This is one of those recipes. Burger, tomato, pasta – done.
This Goulash recipe is one every Grammy had in her repertoire and honestly – every single one is different. This is my mom’s recipe. It’s way better with home-canned tomatoes, but store bought work also. Give this one a try when you’re short on funds, short on time, or maybe both.

Goulash – A Childhood Friend
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1/2 medium onion diced fine
- 1 clove garlic minced
- 1 lb elbow macaroni
- 1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
Preheat Oven to 375 Degrees
In a large pot, bring 5-6 cups of water to a boil and salt well, pour in pasta and stir - cover
In a skillet over medium heat,crumble and brown ground beef, onion and garlic.
When the hamburger is browned, drain well and add back to the skillet
Pour in tomato and heat gently until pasta is done
Drain pasta pour back into the large pot
Add tomato sauce mixture into pasta and mix well, season with salt and pepper
Put into the oven for 20 minutes until heated through.