A Review of Jamie's America Cookbook by Jamie Oliver

Cookbook Review: Jamie’s America

I picked this book up in the Bargain Bin at the local City Market (Kroger) for $8.  It’s no secret that I’m a cooking magazine junkie.  I think I get about 7 different magazines every month.  I’m also highly addicted to Cookbooks.  I have ONE shelf for them, so I buy, cook and donate them pretty regularly.  They would seriously take over my life if I’m not very disciplined in their purchase and life cycle in my house.

I have a few that I keep forever though.  It has to be something epic for me to keep it forever.  I don’t know if Jamie’s America is a “forever” cookbook, but I’m definitely going to keep it around for awhile.

A Review of Jamie's America Cookbook by Jamie Oliver

The stories and photography make this cookbook one that is easily read like a novel, but if we’re getting technical, I read just about any cookbook like a novel……

A Review of Jamie's America Cookbook by Jamie Oliver

[schema type=”review” url=”http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub=5575039669&toolid=10001&campid=5337252707&customid=&icep_uq=Jamie%27s+America+Cookbook&icep_sellerId=&icep_ex_kw=&icep_sortBy=12&icep_catId=11104&icep_minPrice=&icep_maxPrice=&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg” name=”Jamie’s America Cookbook” description=”Jamie Oliver Travels across the US and shares stories and recipes from folks he meets along the way” rev_name=”Jamie’s America – Easy Twists on Great American Classics, And More” rev_body=”I think this is a great book. Not only are the stories and photographs compelling, the recipes are really great. He shares things from different cultures he comes across, from the Navajo people of Arizona to the melting pot of ethnic food in New York City – there are some great ideas and recipes here. The best part is most of the ingredients aren’t very hard to find. I really enjoyed the sections on the Wild West and the Navajo nation – but really this is a cook book that can be read as a novel. I highly recommend checking it out!” author=”Carrie Hill” pubdate=”2013″ user_review=”5″ min_review=”0″ max_review=”5″ ]

Jamie’s America Cookbook